Neurology South Wales provides a full spectrum of services including long term stroke care using evidence-based approaches to prevention, and monitoring with advanced diagnostic testing. If you’ve been looking for a specialist stroke neurologist Sydney-wide, Neurology New South Wales would be happy to be your partner in stroke prevention. Our stroke treatments are designed to address each patient’s specific needs and improve the outcome of patients with stroke and cerebrovascular disease.

Symptoms of strokes

Knowing to recognise a stroke is vital to prevent disability and save a life. If you feel you are suffering from a stroke call 000. Every second counts.

The symptoms of a stroke are FAST

  • F = Face - Inability to smile. One side of the face sags or droops.

  • A = Arms - Inability to raise both arms. One arm drifts downward.

  • S = Speech - Slurred speech or sounding strange. Unable to repeat a single sentence and cannot understand what you’re saying to them.

  • T = Time - time is critical in stroke care. Note the time and call 000.

Stroke Neurologist Sydney

Our stroke specialists are trained with specialty expertise in stroke and conditions of the brain and blood vessels. They collaborate with a multidisciplinary team which includes emergency physicians, neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons, nurses and rehabilitation specialists. Thanks to our stroke specialists, Sydney is one of the cities with the best neurological care. Patients suffering a stroke should call 000 and be assessed at the nearest emergency department (ED). If discharged from the ED, follow-up can often be challenging and accessing neurology services in Sydney can be difficult. The team at Neurology New South Wales are here to help to make this process as seamless as possible, so that you can access the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Much stroke care in the clinic is targeted toward finding causes of stroke and optimising the risk factors identified over time to reduce the possibility of any further event as much as possible. Everything we do is focused on making your experience and outcome as positive as possible.

Neurological Stroke Treatment Sydney

When it comes to neurological stroke treatment, Sydney is the best city with the widest number of expert medical practitioners. Our stroke physicians work diligently with patients and primary care providers to deliver the best care in stroke prevention and treatment. Following a stroke, our neurologists often work together with rehabilitation experts to help you progress on the road to recovery. At Neurology New South Wales, stroke recovery and stroke rehabilitation is a team effort. We work with you and your family to help you return to normal life as much and as soon as possible. The combined resources and expertise of the Neurology New South Wales team allow us to offer the very best in patient care.

contact us today and we will be happy to offer the best treatment for your stroke.